Ines Delzotto
Ines Delzotto graduated at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb, and works as a special education teacher at the Veruda Rehabilitation Center in Pula where she founded the first Office for Assistive Technology in Croatia. The Veruda AT lab provides assessments, training and implementation, rehabilitation, consulting, education, and development of new instruments. She has 18 years of experience in the field of AT/AAC, she is member of AAATE, ISAAC and GATE initiative. She specialized in assistive technology rehabilitation at the Institute for IRCCS S. Maria Nascente/ Fondazione Don C. Gnocchi in Milan, Italy. She specialized in augmentative and alternative communication in Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta di Roma, Italy.
New Era Old Fears; Unleashing the Power of High-Tech AAC
About session
What if I tell you that some of your clients can benefit a little bit more with high tech AAC? Let's unveil its transformative power and wide up our horizon a little bit through this lecture. Even though we are all aware that efficiency and effectiveness of using any AT/AAC solution remains dependent on the personal factors (user’s abilities, motivation, their health condition) and enviromental factors ( communication partners and supporting enviroment), it’s a fact that high tech can provide a greater flexibility in contrast of low tech. If the assessment is done correctly, and the future user is a good candidate, high tech can become an even greater equaliser and give a user access to the world where low tech solution may come up short!