Josipa Blažević and Dora Vukušić
Josipa Blažević has a master's degree in education and rehabilitation and is currently finishing her specialisation in early childhood intervention.
She currently works as the founder of her private education rehabilitation practice in Zagreb where she conducts assessments and provides support in AAC implementation. She based her practice on a family-oriented approach.
She has completed Introductory PODD workshop in Denmark in 2016. In 2017 she completed Advanced PODD workshop in UK. She is currently, alongside Dora Vukušić, the only certified PODD presenter in Croatia.
They have been working on implementing PODD in Croatia through organising trainings and translating PODD resources into Croatian.
Dora Vukušić has a master's degree in education and rehabilitation and is currently finishing her specialisation in early childhood intervention.
She currently works at the Centre for Rehabilitation Zagreb, Sloboština in the department of professional support through home visits. She also runs private education rehabilitation practice in Zagreb where she provides support to families in AAC implementation.
She has completed Introductory PODD workshop in Denmark in 2016. In 2017 she completed Advanced PODD workshop in UK. She is currently, alongside Dora Vukušić the only certified PODD presenter in Croatia.
They have been working on implementing PODD in Croatia through organising trainings and translating PODD resources into Croatian.
Using PODD in Croatia
About session
PODD - Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display - is a robust AAC system that organises symbols in a specific way within a communication book or a communication device. PODD is a tool that emphasizes autonomous communication and is designed to be useful in any situation. PODD comes in low-tech and high-tech form and with different access methods, from direct access to alternative access such as eye gaze, auditive or visual scanning or combined access. PODD comes in different forms and sizes, to choose an adequate communication book for an individual, it is necessary to make a dynamic assessment. Chosen book is then individualized depending on the individual's needs.
Join us at the lecture and find out how PODD started in Croatia, what are current challenges of using PODD in community, what small but big steps have users achieved while speaking PODD, what differentiates PODD from other AAC systems and what awaits us in the future of PODD in Croatia.